Mountbatten Hampshire is aiming to prevent falls this autumn and you can help. Here's how...

When Stephen Hambridge, 65, who has primary lateral sclerosis, started to get support from Mountbatten's rehabilitation team over a year ago, he was reluctant to come at first. He thought it would remind him that he was ill, but it was the exact opposite for him.

Mountbatten helped him live his life again. 

Click here to donate to Mountbatten Hampshire to help prevent falls this autumn

Krissy Ford (pictured right) helped support Stephen.

She said: "Many people think at Mountbatten we only help those actively dying, but when patients are faced with changes to their bodies, this can be a daunting and scary experience for them. Knowing they may lose their ability to take part in the activities they so enjoy and spend time with those that are special to them, can affect their mental health.

"In the last year, Mountbatten’s rehabilitation team, which includes physiotherapists, like me, occupational therapists and volunteers, has supported 391 people and has had 2,775 contacts with patients who need advice to manage their conditions and maintain their independence.

"At Mountbatten our aim is to never ignore anyone who needs us. By giving, this autumn, you will make a difference to all those in your community who need Mountbatten.

"Being able to manage symptoms is vital to the well-being of patients with life-limiting conditions, like Stephen."

Stephen said: "When I first came from the hospital, I was very weak and I couldn’t walk at all.

"From the moment I came into Mountbatten, I started getting better." 

Read more of Stephen's story and how Mountbatten helped him get back on his feet after he took a nasty fall. 

Click here to read Stephen's story